Music for February 9, 2025

This is the Day
Leaning on the Everlasting Arms H397
O How He Loves You and Me H277
Amazing Grace H280 or 281
Blessed Assurance H362
In the Garden H456

Music for Sunday, January 26, 2025


1. Praise Him (in the morning)

2. Majesty

3. Nothing but the Blood

4. A Wonderful Feeling

5. I Just Want to Worship You

6. Jesus, name Above all Names

Music for January 19, 2025

1. Come, Now is the Time to Worship- 4/4 0vs     D

2. Kneel at the Cross- 4/4 3vs H310 G

3. He Paid a Debt (fast)- 4/4 3vs     Eb

4. A New Name in Glory- 4/4 3vs H266 G

5. I Will Sing of the Mercies- 4/4 0vs Psalter Eb

6. I Just Want to Worship You- 4/4 0vs




Next Week


1. Praise Him (in the morning)- 4/4 3vs Ab

2. Majesty- 4/4 0vs H197 G        Bb

3. Nothing but the Blood- 4/4 4vs H255 F

4. A Wonderful Feeling- 4/4 2vs     Eb

5. I Just Want to Worship You- 4/4 0vs     C/D

6. Jesus, name Above all Names- 6/8 0vs F

Music for January 12, 2025


1. Come Bless the Lord

2. Isn’t He Wonderful

3. Unworthy

4. Victory in Jesus

5. I Stand in Awe

6. What a Day That Will Be




Next Week

1. Come, Now is the Time to Worship

2. Kneel at the Cross

3. He Paid a Debt (fast)

4. A New Name in Glory

5. I Will Sing of the Mercies

6. I Just Want to Worship You



Music for January 5, 2025


1. This is the Day

2. I Have Decided

3. I Surrender All

4. I Will Serve Thee

5. Count Your Blessings

6. Thou Art Worthy

Music for December 22, 2024


1. Joy to the world - clh 92 (repeat the first verse at the end)

2. Away in the manger - clh 105

3. What child this - clh 110

4. Silent night - clh 89

5. O little town of Bethlehem - clh 95 vs 1, 2, 3, 5 (I think it's the same words we had last year)

6. How great our joy- clh 117

we wish you a merry christmas




Music for December 15, 2024


  1. O Come, O Come, Emmanuel
  2. Angels from the Realms of Glory
  3. Joy to the World
  4. Good Christian Friends, Rejoice
  5. Go Tell it on the Mountain
  6. Amazing Grace